Tara Bishop Mazanec 

Master Personal Trainer, Holistic Health Counselor and Yoga Instructor

Tara Mazanec, CPT, HHC, CYI is a Personal Trainer, Holistic Health Counselor, Yoga Instructor, and founder of the FIT Formula and Glow Strong Movement. With nearly two decades of experience helping people take command of their wellness, Tara is known as the godmother of radical self-growth Tara helps highly functional, but overwhelmed adults optimize their lifestyle by identifying old patterns that are keeping you stuck. She enables deep and lasting change through small, doable inspired actions that integrate movement, breathwork, nutrition, and mindset. After two decades as a wellness thought leader, Tara uses her FIT Formula to help her clients glow strong inside and out. Many clients lose weight, gain muscle, and more importantly, increase their confidence, commitment, and consistency to themselves.

Tara Bishop Mazanec